Golden Healer Flame

Golden Healer Flame



Golden Healer Quartz has the ability to clean everything in your auric field, filling it with golden healing light. It even gets right into your cellular structure so that you can release old patterns and conditions. .

Golden Healer crystals are master healers, accessing the highest vibration of light your human body can receive and sustain, raising your body’s frequency to dissolve and release blocks or foreign energies, replenish on a cellular level, and restore your body’s natural balance and harmony.

Golden Healers also help keep contact with the spiritual worlds. It is said by some that Golden Healers access Christ consciousness as well as activating the solar plexus chakra to join our will with Divine will. Golden Healers also align all the chakras and balance yin/yang energies.

4 lbs 7oz

8” tall

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